Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hopkinsville, Owensboro, and Madisonville

Some of you may have been wondering: Why has Andy stopped blogging? Well, it's really a two-part answer. Part one: I was a little lazy. Part two: Most of the places we have stayed during this Winter/Spring tour have had little to no Internet. 

Thankfully, we are staying in a place this week with incredible internet speeds and therefore, you all get to benefit from it. Happy reading!

One of our stops brought us to Hopkinsville, TN. It was a small town, with a dying downtown area. Luckily, the theatre was renovated and the shows turned out to be amazing. Below are some photos from Hopkinsville. 

A "replica" of the Round Table. 

On the college campus, there was a park area with a Greek/Roman architectural design. It was pretty cool. 
After Hopkinsville, we headed over to Owensboro, KY.  We had a residency at the RiverPark Center, which is a large, 1,300 seat auditorium and a great stage. We filled the bottom half of the theatre for a school performance and got many seats filled for the public show. It was a good experience. Near the theatre was an awesome place called "Smothers Park". Quite possibly the best playground I've seen.

Cool piano near Smothers. 
Close-up of that piano-pattern.

A view of the bridge/state line.  
Smothers Park. Awesome. 
 After Owensboro, we headed to Madisonville, KY. We stayed with a lovely 77-year old lady named Patsy. Her husband died of complications with Alzheimer's only two years ago. She loved hosting tour actor/directors and she cooked for us. Every. Single. Night.

She lived on an incredible property and owned a gorgeous house. Gander below.

Patsy's farm. 

Becca. Bein' awesome on hay. 
My room in Patsy's house. 
The outside of Patsy's house.

In Madisonville, there is a place called "The Lost Sea". It's a cavern that holds the world's largest underground lake in the world. It was a neat experience...and kind of creepy.
Near the entryway. 
Down, down, down, we went to enter into the main cavern.

One of the large, main rooms. 

I don't have flash on my camera, but luckily a Pilipino was taking a photo with his flash right when I took mine. 

So far, this Winter/Spring tour has been treating us well. We have had some incredible experiences this far and we can't wait to head back to the east coast for more!