Monday, July 29, 2013

New York, New York City, New London, and other stuff...

Wow. It's been a long time since I've posted here. Why?

Partially because of what you see above you. Yes, that is Lake Placid in New York. It was a beautiful week, full of wonderful kids, Internet and no cell service in our housing annex off of the theatre.

In Lake Placid, we stayed in housing that was built by the theatre for out-of-town actors and groups. It was very kind of them to let us stay there, and the housing was nice. The lack of internet and cell service was the worst part of it. I wasn't able to really update any of you all. Sorry about that.

This post will most likely be pictures. People only really look at the pictures anyway. Who reads this stuff? :)

This was taken in New London at the County Fair--which made me feel right at home.
Yes, this sign was referring to a cow. 
County Fair! County Fair! Hometown feeling in the air!

Cute baby cow. Delicious baby cow. 
Picture the audience naked...

Our beautiful theatre. It was awesome. Heavenly, even. 

We were in the "What to do in Lake Placid" tour book for tourists! I wonder if any of them came to see the show...
 After Lake Placid and New London, we headed to Mamaroneck, NY which was about 30 miles outside of New York City. Becca and I were in two separate homestays. I stayed in Purchase, NY and she stayed about three blocks away from the theatre.

My homestay family consisted of a Jewish grandmother from Arizona, her daughter and her "Catholic" Belgium husband and their daughter, Zoey.

Every morning, they made me breakfast. And they made me a lot of it.

See? That's a lot of breakfast. 

Zoey, Ohma (Belgian for Grandma) and I played MouseTrap. 

Since we were so close to the city, we of course decided to go.

It was incredible! We first got to see Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderlla. I thought it was going to be like the classic version, but it was not. It was new.

There was a lot of the same songs, but the script was entirely different. There was a nice stepsister, a political reform leader, enchanted forest monsters...totally different, but totally cool.

The most amazing part of Cinderella was the costume changes. It was literally magic. Check out the video below to get a taste. I mean, she basically spins in a circle and her dress is brand new. Awesome.

The Cinderella set. Wasn't supposed to take pictures. Oops. 
 After a wild week of wild kids, Becca and I had snagged tickets to see Matilda on Broadway.

Amazing. Magical. Inspiring. Cute. Hilarious. What more can I say?

Getting ready to see the show in the rain!

Since I was nice and let two people switch seats with me (because I am a giant and people can't see over my head), the usher allowed me to take two photos of the set. 

Becca and I waiting to see the show! We're so stoked! 
Basically, this past week was awesome. It was a lot of fun, and we made some amazing memories! I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us!

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